Modern Workplace
Embracing AI - the rise of intelligent applications
A Short Introduction to Intelligent Applications

In the fast-evolving tech landscape, a significant shift is underway. Intelligent applications are the next generation of software that not only performs tasks but also learns from each interaction. They absorb information from user transactions and various external data sources to continually enhance the user experience, whether it's for customers, product managers, or the tech teams behind the scenes.

"By 2026, 30% of new applications will use AI to drive personalised adaptive user interfaces, up from less than 5% today." - Gartner

The beauty of intelligent applications lies in their ability to learn and improve over time, thanks to a variety of AI techniques. This isn't just about making incremental improvements; it's about revolutionising how software serves us - by anticipating needs, adapting to feedback, and innovating in real-time.

Here are three compelling advantages of integrating AI into your applications:

1. Smarter Decision-Making: AI bridges the gap between data analysis and real-time decision-making, leading to more strategic and informed choices.

2. User-Centric Adaptations: Through tools like AI-driven chatbots and intuitive language interfaces, applications become more responsive and user-friendly.

3. Revolutionising Processes: AI enables applications to not just automate tasks but also to reshape and enhance business processes for greater efficiency and innovation.

The excitement around Generative AI (GenAI) is fuelling this trend even further, as businesses and consumers alike are eager for the advanced capabilities that these intelligent systems promise.

For technology leaders, this means rethinking software development from the ground up. It's about building applications that not only perform tasks but are equipped to evolve, learn from users, and continuously refine their functionality. The goal is clear: to create software that's not just a tool but a partner in driving business growth and transformation.

To read more about this in Gartner’s article Demand Grows for Intelligent Applications Powered by AI.

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