Cyber Security
Staying ahead of cyberthreats with CTEM
A Practical Introduction to Continuous Threat Exposure Management (CTEM)

As we know all too well, cybercriminals are quick to pivot and change tactics, and while automating controls and updating security is good, it's just not enough. Your organisation needs a proactive plan that keeps up with the most pressing risks to your business — that's where Continuous Threat Exposure Management (CTEM) comes in.

“By 2026, organizations that prioritize their security investments based on a continuous exposure management program will be 3x less likely to suffer a breach”. - Gartner

Today's cyber threat management often reacts to incidents as they happen, which might solve the immediate problem but doesn't protect the organisation in the long run. CTEM, on the other hand, is about staying one step ahead, prioritising the threats that matter most to your organisation.

Building a CTEM strategy takes the following five steps:

1. Scope: Look at your entire digital landscape to identify where your organisation is vulnerable, taking into consideration your external attack surface as well as your SaaS exposure.

2. Discover: Set up a way to consistently identify and assess the risk level of all your digital assets.

3. Prioritise: Determine which vulnerabilities are most likely to be attacked and deal with them first.

4. Validate: Test your defences by simulating attacks to see how your systems would respond in real life.

5. Mobilise: Get your team and processes in place to respond swiftly to threats.

By adopting these steps, your organisation can not only respond to current threats but also predict and prevent future attacks, keeping your systems safer.

Read more about CTEM in the following article from Gartner: How to Manage Cybersecurity Threats not Episodes