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The concept of a digitally centralised cloud started in the 1960s. However, usability and access to cloud services have grown exponentially in recent years.

How Microsoft Cloud optimises the customer and employee experience

The Microsoft Cloud allows us to store data online, rather than on our hard drives. Whether it be for professional or personal use, we can access data from across the world in a matter of seconds. Microsoft Cloud services can help businesses by providing data centralisation and security, and they positively impact the customer and employee experience.

What Is Microsoft Cloud?

Microsoft Cloud services run on the internet, rather than a computer’s hard drive. Integrating products and services onto a digital cloud platform helps any business. The cloud streamlines the transfer of technology and gives users easy access.

Microsoft Azure is Microsoft’s cloud platform. This cloud computing service offers over 200 products and cloud services. These services range from computing to storage tools.

5 Reasons to choose Cloud Migration

As technology continues to evolve, businesses must keep up. Shareholders, employees, and customers’ needs are changing and cloud migration services help ensure that they can meet growing expectations and streamline operations.

1. Differentiated Experiences

Cloud technologies ensure that businesses can customise their workspace. Differentiated customer experiences enable a user-friendly experience for all customers.

Workflows - Introducing workflow automation is a methodology of task management. Workflow automation in the cloud should increase business productivity, allowing for adaptable workflows to meet each businesses unique needs.

Scalability - The cloud allows businesses to be scaled quickly, allowing for adjusting the size of an operation in minutes. The cloud allows businesses to have low-cost sustainable growth. It is as simple as acquiring a larger “office space” in the digital sphere. A quick storage update can help get you online even with a major business expansion.

2. Optimised Customer and Employee Experience

Digital transformation is happening in real-time. The cloud is a constantly evolving technology that works to develop solutions. When you empower employees and customers you are able to boost satisfaction rates. This can translate to profitability and efficiency.

Centralised User Profiles - Unified customer profiles allow administrators to deliver top-notch service effortlessly. Microsoft Cloud services allow administrators to sort and manage user profiles. This grouping system can offer more control to account managers.

Streamlined Customer Onboarding - During customer onboarding, a profile can be developed for new users. Their profile keeps track of relevant reports and forms. Scheduling and storing reports can help you build a robust customer profile that allows you to build this without strenuous effort on the customer’s side.

3. Achieve Regulatory Compliance

Achieving regulatory compliance helps you to keep your business’ resources and reputation intact. Customers do not trust businesses and organisations that neglect regulations.

Enforce Regulatory Requirements - Easily meet these requirements while updating systems by building rules and regulations into the system itself.

4. Increase Security and Compliance

Cloud services can be viewed as an investment in risk management. Microsoft Cloud can help keep your data protected. These services keep you secure by boosting security and launching investigation features.

Combat Criminal Behaviour - When you start implementing risk management protocols you will undergo an audit. This audit helps to assess the weak points of your current security measures. Once these risks are assessed you can strengthen your defence systems.

The Cloud is able to combat criminal activity. It can be proactively building firewalls and implementing high-level security measures. Microsoft Cloud services can also aid in a breach by identifying financial crimes.

5. Centralised Access to Records

These solutions allow convenient access to records and data. The ability to access the right information quickly is a valuable time-saving resource, streamlining customer and employee experiences.

Integrate Microsoft Cloud Services Today
Crafting a unique user experience for employees and stakeholders is important for businesses.

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